How to set log scale as default in CurveWidget (ie not changing to it interactively)
yann lecoq
2014-09-07 18:15:46 UTC
Hello and thanks for this great piece of software.

I'm trying to make a plot from a Python program that immediately appears in
log scale with guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget (ie without having to interactively
change the axis setups). I use python 2.7 with QT designer4.

I am probably missing something obvious, but I couldn't find functions in
this class that looks like they can setup properties of the plot from the
source code (ie similar to set_axis_scale() in BasePlot for exemple). Is
there any way to do so ?

Thanks for your help, and sorry if that was obvious.
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Russ Berg
2014-09-11 16:31:35 UTC
How are you trying to call set_axis_scale()?
If your CurveWidget is called curvewidget lets say, you should only need to call:

curvewidget.plot.set_axis_scale(axis_id, scale) where axis_id is one of:
And scale is either:
‘lin’ or ‘log’

From: guidata_guiqwt-/***@public.gmane.org [mailto:***@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of yann lecoq
Sent: September-07-14 12:16 PM
To: guidata_guiqwt-/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: [guidata/guiqwt] How to set log scale as default in CurveWidget (ie not changing to it interactively)

Hello and thanks for this great piece of software.

I'm trying to make a plot from a Python program that immediately appears in log scale with guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget (ie without having to interactively change the axis setups). I use python 2.7 with QT designer4.

I am probably missing something obvious, but I couldn't find functions in this class that looks like they can setup properties of the plot from the source code (ie similar to set_axis_scale() in BasePlot for exemple). Is there any way to do so ?

Thanks for your help, and sorry if that was obvious.

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yann lecoq
2014-09-15 17:06:36 UTC
Thank you very much Russ for your help. This did what was intended.
Retrospectively I see that I was indeed missing something quite simple...

Thanks again
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