Dynamic initialization/updating guidata items
Sadique Sheik
2012-12-02 13:40:54 UTC

I would like to have a ChoiceItem (dropdown list) the content of which are
to be populated dynamically (or atleast during the __init__). Is there any
possibility to do that ?

2013-04-18 13:28:34 UTC
Post by Sadique Sheik
I would like to have a ChoiceItem (dropdown list) the content of which are
to be populated dynamically (or atleast during the __init__). Is there any
possibility to do that ?
I am also interested by this feature.

So is there a solution to update a ChoiceItem dynamically


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Johannes Eckstein
2013-04-18 19:07:34 UTC

yes there is:

import guidata

import guidata.dataset.datatypes as dt
import guidata.dataset.dataitems as di

class Processing(dt.DataSet):
a = di.FloatItem("Parameter #1", default=2.3)
b = di.IntItem("Parameter #2", min=0, max=10, default=5)
autotext = ""
text = di.TextItem("Expl",default=autotext)
type = di.ChoiceItem("Processing algorithm",
("type 1", "type 2", "type 3"))

app = guidata.qapplication()

param = Processing()
param.text = "my text"
param.type = ("my_type 1", "my_type 2", "mai_thai 3")

Post by Sadique Sheik
I would like to have a ChoiceItem (dropdown list) the content of
which are to be populated dynamically (or atleast during the
__init__). Is there any possibility to do that ?
I am also interested by this feature.
So is there a solution to update a ChoiceItem dynamically
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2013-04-20 09:24:34 UTC
ok thanks, Indeed it works when I run edit() on the dataset.

now I am using this dataset inside a DataSetEditGroupBox

So do you know how to refresh the contain of this DatasetEditGroupBox once
I changed the
dataset choice item content ?
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Chris Marshall
2013-09-03 10:17:31 UTC
I am having the same problem. I would like to specify the list of options

Johannes, if I run your code , I cannot see the options being updated.

They are still : ("type 1", "type 2", "type 3")

This is the same result that I have had before.

Is there some way of updating this?


Post by Johannes Eckstein
import guidata
import guidata.dataset.datatypes as dt
import guidata.dataset.dataitems as di
a = di.FloatItem("Parameter #1", default=2.3)
b = di.IntItem("Parameter #2", min=0, max=10, default=5)
autotext = ""
text = di.TextItem("Expl",default=autotext)
type = di.ChoiceItem("Processing algorithm",
("type 1", "type 2", "type 3"))
app = guidata.qapplication()
param = Processing()
param.text = "my text"
param.type = ("my_type 1", "my_type 2", "mai_thai 3")
Post by Sadique Sheik
I would like to have a ChoiceItem (dropdown list) the content of which
are to be populated dynamically (or atleast during the __init__). Is there
any possibility to do that ?
I am also interested by this feature.
So is there a solution to update a ChoiceItem dynamically
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Assaf B
2013-09-18 20:16:19 UTC
same here,
the example doesn't work.
I use WinPython 64bit with Guidata 1.6.1
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Assaf B
2013-10-01 12:12:56 UTC
well, a very ugly (but working) work around is to wrap the class with a
function, and having the function input parameter as the classes globals.
Not the pretiest, and of course, not methodological, but the following
example works:

from guidata.dataset.datatypes import DataSet

from guidata.dataset.dataitems import ChoiceItem

def choiceFunc(choiceVec):

class guiclass(DataSet):

choice1 = ChoiceItem("first choice ",choiceVec)

e = guiclass()


return e.choice1

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Create QApplication

import guidata

_app = guidata.qapplication()

choiceVec = [(0, "0"), (1, "1")]

choice1 = choiceFunc(choiceVec)

choiceVec = [(2, "2"), (3, "3")]

choice2 = choiceFunc(choiceVec)
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Assaf B
2013-10-01 12:14:42 UTC
Well, a very ugly work around is to wrap the GUI class with a function.
The attached file isn't the pretiest but is working
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Jason Sexauer
2013-10-10 02:20:50 UTC
I have another pretty ugly solution here:


I feel like there has to be a cleaner way.
Post by Assaf B
Well, a very ugly work around is to wrap the GUI class with a function.
The attached file isn't the pretiest but is working
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Jason Sexauer
2013-10-10 02:17:18 UTC
I had an even more ugly work around posted here:


I feel like there should be a cleaner way to do this...
Post by Assaf B
Well, a very ugly work around is to wrap the GUI class with a function.
The attached file isn't the pretiest but is working
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