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I did something similar sometimes ago with that function:
from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly
You give a list of pixel and get a list a bool, and you can create a
image mask of bool.
I do not known if there is something similar in guiqwt.
Certainly yes.
Post by Vincent Le SauxHi all,
I'm using guiqwt and guidata to build a simple software dedicated to
the processing of infrared images (succession of images) and it is
pretty easy with guidata and guiqwt (thanks Pierre!). One of my main
concern is to analyze specific areas of various form and to perform
- to draw the specific forms I need on the image -> No problem
thanks to the polygone, rectangle, circle and freeform tools ;
- to extract the submatrices contained within these specific
forms, i.e. the list of pixels that are contained in the form -> I
didn't find such tools in the source code (the cross_section tools can
be easily adapted for the rectangle shape, but for the other forms,
I'm stucked!).
So my question is: is it possible to extract easily and automatically
the submatrix from a ROI defined by the various tool shape (may be
with a mask??)? The idea would be to get directly this information
while creating the object (and to update automatically the
informations when we change the form).
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Samuel Garcia
Lyon Neuroscience
CNRS - UMR5292 - INSERM U1028 - Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1
Equipe R et D
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
Tél : 04 37 28 74 24
Fax : 04 37 28 76 01