Do guiqwt widgets only accept 64 bit floats?
2011-04-13 00:14:24 UTC
Hello Pierre,

I recently gave guiqwt a try, so far it seems like the best option for
embedding plots in GUI applications. Thanks for the hard work

I used the guiqwt.builder.make.pcolor function to create a pseudo-colour
plot of my data. I found that this only works with 64 bit floats, so my
data which was in 32 bit format had to be converted first. Is this an
inbuilt limitation of guiqwt/pyqwt/qwt?

Pierre Raybaut
2011-04-13 20:06:37 UTC
Hi David,

Welcome to guiqwt, and to its world of programming efficiency!

This is only a limitation of the guiqwt.image.QuadGridItem object
(i.e. the object created when calling guiqwt.builder.make.pcolor) --
this could be changed in the future if needed.

Other image items (e.g. created with make.image, make.xyimage,
make.trimage) support all kinds of data types (float32, float64,
int16, uint16, int32, uint32, ...).

Post by David
Hello Pierre,
I recently gave guiqwt a try, so far it seems like the best option for
embedding plots in GUI applications.  Thanks for the hard work
I used the guiqwt.builder.make.pcolor function to create a pseudo-colour
plot of my data.  I found that this only works with 64 bit floats, so my
data which was in 32 bit format had to be converted first.  Is this an
inbuilt limitation of guiqwt/pyqwt/qwt?