exception in guiqwt-tests
Carlos Pascual
2011-04-26 09:43:37 UTC
I get an exception when launching the test application in guiqwt 2.1.1 in a
Ubuntu 10.10 (apart from this, my apps using guiqwt work fine).

Any hint?

Here is the traceback:

$> guiqwt-tests
0 , 0 -> 9 , 9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cpascual/.local/bin/guiqwt-tests", line 5, in <module>
pkg_resources.run_script('guiqwt==2.1.1', 'guiqwt-tests')
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 467, in
self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1200, in
execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/guiqwt-tests", line 3, in <module>
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/__init__.py", line 17, in run
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 167, in run_testlauncher
win = TestLauncherWindow(package)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 135, in __init__
tests = get_tests(test_package)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 32, in get_tests
_temp = __import__(test_package.__name__, fromlist=[module_name])
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 27, in <module>
test_line(0,0, 9,9)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 23, in test_line
line(x0, y0, x1, y1, imin, imax)
TypeError: _vert_line() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)
Carlos Pascual Izarra
Scientific Software Coordinator
Computing Division
Cells / Alba Synchrotron [http:/www.cells.es]
Carretera BP 1413 de Cerdanyola-Sant Cugat, Km. 3.3
E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona), Spain
E-mail: cpascual-***@public.gmane.org
Phone: +34 93 592 4428
Pierre Raybaut
2011-04-26 10:29:24 UTC

This test should have been excluded from the list which is analyzed
automatically by the test launcher. That is actually an internal test
for the 'pcolor' feature.

I'll make a new release very soon to fix this because it does prevent
to run the test launcher on any platform...

In the meantime you may simply remove this file and everything should
be fine.

Thanks for your feedback,
Post by Carlos Pascual
I get an exception when launching the test application in guiqwt 2.1.1 in a
Ubuntu 10.10 (apart from this, my apps using guiqwt work fine).
Any hint?
$> guiqwt-tests
0 , 0 -> 9 , 9
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/bin/guiqwt-tests", line 5, in <module>
    pkg_resources.run_script('guiqwt==2.1.1', 'guiqwt-tests')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 467, in
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1200, in
    execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/guiqwt-tests", line 3, in <module>
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/__init__.py", line 17, in run
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 167, in run_testlauncher
    win = TestLauncherWindow(package)
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 135, in __init__
    tests = get_tests(test_package)
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 32, in get_tests
    _temp = __import__(test_package.__name__, fromlist=[module_name])
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 27, in <module>
    test_line(0,0, 9,9)
  File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guiqwt-2.1.1-py2.6-
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 23, in test_line
    line(x0, y0, x1, y1, imin, imax)
TypeError: _vert_line() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)
 Carlos Pascual Izarra
 Scientific Software Coordinator
 Computing Division
 Cells / Alba Synchrotron  [http:/www.cells.es]
 Carretera BP 1413 de Cerdanyola-Sant Cugat, Km. 3.3
 E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona), Spain
 Phone:+34 93 592 4428
Carlos Pascual
2011-04-26 11:14:20 UTC
Thanks a lot.
It works fine after removing it.
Post by Pierre Raybaut
This test should have been excluded from the list which is analyzed
automatically by the test launcher. That is actually an internal test
for the 'pcolor' feature.
I'll make a new release very soon to fix this because it does prevent
to run the test launcher on any platform...
In the meantime you may simply remove this file and everything should
be fine.
Thanks for your feedback,
Post by Carlos Pascual
I get an exception when launching the test application in guiqwt 2.1.1 in
a Ubuntu 10.10 (apart from this, my apps using guiqwt work fine).
Any hint?
$> guiqwt-tests
0 , 0 -> 9 , 9
File "/home/cpascual/.local/bin/guiqwt-tests", line 5, in <module>
pkg_resources.run_script('guiqwt==2.1.1', 'guiqwt-tests')
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 467, in
self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1200, in
execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
linux-x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/guiqwt-tests", line 3, in <module>
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/__init__.py", line 17, in run
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 167, in run_testlauncher
win = TestLauncherWindow(package)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 135, in __init__
tests = get_tests(test_package)
File "/home/cpascual/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/guidata-1.3.0-
py2.6.egg/guidata/guitest.py", line 32, in get_tests
_temp = __import__(test_package.__name__, fromlist=[module_name])
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 27, in <module>
test_line(0,0, 9,9)
linux-x86_64.egg/guiqwt/tests/test_line.py", line 23, in test_line
line(x0, y0, x1, y1, imin, imax)
TypeError: _vert_line() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)
Carlos Pascual Izarra
Scientific Software Coordinator
Computing Division
Cells / Alba Synchrotron [http:/www.cells.es]
Carretera BP 1413 de Cerdanyola-Sant Cugat, Km. 3.3
E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona), Spain
Phone:+34 93 592 4428
Carlos Pascual Izarra
Scientific Software Coordinator
Computing Division
Cells / Alba Synchrotron [http:/www.cells.es]
Carretera BP 1413 de Cerdanyola-Sant Cugat, Km. 3.3
E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona), Spain
E-mail: cpascual-***@public.gmane.org
Phone: +34 93 592 4428